Making things look the right size on your screen.
Computer displays have different resolutions.
To make things on these pages look their real size, this site can adapt to your screen's resolution.
The current setting is 3.2 pixels per millimeter, 81 dpi (dots per inch).
You can calibrate using a
dollar bill,
a metric
or old-english ruler,
or a folded sheet of 8.5 x 11 inch paper.
Finally, you can check the vertical calibration.
... using a Dollar bill
... using 100 mm
... using 6 inches
... using 4.25 inches A sheet of paper (8.5 inch wide), folded in half...
Double checking vertically...
Some screens have pixels which are not quite square.
For instance, they might be taller than they are wide.
Making circles
look squashed.
Ideally, I would allow you to also callibrate vertically.
But I'm not set up to do that.
So the best you can do is check, and if it is annoyingly off, perhaps
choose some compromise callibration.
Dollar |
100 mm |
6 in |
4.25 in |
Choose a person height...
A person icon is used as a rough height reference.
You can use your own height:
You are done!
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